D.A. Townsend (The Teachers Teacher)

 D.A. Townsend was born into slavery; he fought in the 15th Infantry as a United States Colored Troop (USCT) during the Civil War. After the Civil War ended, D.A. Townsend became a Freemen’s teacher at Union Hall in 1869 in Franklin County, TN. From there, he taught in the Franklin County Black schools for the next 50 years until his retirement in 1918. It is believed that D. A. Townsend educated more young men and women at that time than any other single teacher in Tennessee.

Townsend Day was a yearly celebration held by the Townsend Scholars. They were students and former students, many of whom became Franklin County Teachers. They came together from Franklin County and beyond to meet at the old Union Hall schoolhouse to honor Doc Townsend with a parade.


More information about D.A. Townsend can be found in our upcoming Digital Collection.

 If you would like to donate towards preserving this heritage, click our GoFundMe Asia School Restoration GoFundMe .
